Lorad Develops Advanced Security Phosphors With Unique Spectral Signatures

Posted 12 years ago and updated 6 years ago
Category: Product News

Lorad develops unique customized solutions to security issues through the synthesis of advanced phosphor materials. These luminescent materials can be interrogated and respond with unique spectral signatures created exclusively for each client.

Lorad's research and development in the area of security phosphors has yielded a new process for manufacturing—at-scale—security phosphors with unique hard-to-replicate spectral signatures. Our phosphors can be invisibly incorporated into inks, paper, plastics, and other forms, such as:

  • Currency, for anti-counterfeiting purposes; and
  • Labels, apparel, and other consumer items for brand protection, tracking, and anti-piracy; and
  • Packaging for critical and high-value items such as pharmaceuticals and perfumes; and
  • Component stamped marking for electronic and industrial components; and
  • Authentication protection for Kosher, Halal, and other food items; and
  • Legal document authentication to protect against fraud and forgery.

We offer luminescent materials that have excitation and emission wavelengths from the infrared (3000nm) through the visible spectrum and into the ultraviolet (200nm). Emissions may be strictly in the visible or invisible spectrum or we can offer a combination of security phosphors to create a unique spectral signature emitting in multiple highly specific wavelengths depending on the degree of security required. Creating a unique security phosphor with emissions at multiple-wavelengths as well as other selectable characteristics ensures that the resulting material will be resiliant to reverse engineering.

Security Phosphors Mechanics

Lorad can also incorporate permutations of several other variable properties to create unique security phosphors for each of our customers, including:

  • Luminescent materials that exhibit specific emission decay constants. In this case, because of the complex nature of the material, we rigorously test the phosphor in the laboratory to ensure the exact specifications are met; or
  • A variable particle size specification, including as a nano-powder; or
  • A powder with strong magnetic and electro-conductive characteristics.

Our security phosphors are compatible with all printing methods. The variability of our luminescent materials also allows Lorad to supply phosphors with suitable emission characteristics for high-speed, automated, hand-held or machine-readable authentication systems.

Our track record and expertise as one of the world's foremost sophisticated speciality phosphor manufacturers ensures that our customers get cost-competitive products with complete confidentiality. You will be suprised how our special knowledge based upon years of cutting-edge academic and industrial phosphor development can be applied to your advantage.

You can inquire about our security phosphors, directly on each page of our online catalog, through our online inquiry form, or by emailing us directly at sales@loradchemical.com.

Even if you don't see the security phosphor you are interested in published in our catalog, that doesn't mean we don't make it, our team can custom synthesize a wide variety of security phosphors.